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Yogi Bear’s Cartoon Capers / Шалости Медведя Йоги

Infinite Lives

At the title screen press Down, A, Up, B, A, Left, A, Right, Down ("DAUBALARD"). The short sound will denote correct code entry.

Play a Secret Game

At the title screen press Left, A, Up, Down, A, C, Right, A, B ("LAUDACRAB"). The short sound will denote correct code entry. You will get to some variety of Snake game.

Unlimited Jump

At the title screen press C, Right, Up, Down, A, C, Right, Down ("CRUDACRUD"). The short sound will denote correct code entry. You will be able to jump as high as you want and from any point, even in the air.

Unlock all levels

At the title screen press Right, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, A, Up, C. The short sound will denote correct code entry.
Категория: Читы коды Sega MegaDrive, Genesis | Добавил: Emerald (30-Ноября-2016)
Просмотров: 337 | Теги: Yogi Bear’s Cartoon Capers, Yogi Bear, Шалости Медведя Йоги | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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